Friday, January 29, 2010

The Sexy Beast Is Here

Mark came over 2 days ago,stayed at my place
So we decided to go swim since we were soooo bored today
First time since I moved here
Found out that its very shallow =.=
Oh well,must be content
Must get goggles,coz can't see a thing at all
Nearly bumped my head a few times just now
Speedo,wonder how much ler??
Going cell group later then yam cha again
Mum:its my dinner,so got excuse,XD
Promise won't spend a lot
Gonna lead ice-breaker
Wonder what game should i play
Oh well,dao shi cai suan la

Thursday, January 14, 2010

TIme to work :(

I've been cut off from the internet for the past 3 weeks
So I couldn't do much surfing or facebooking
And explains why I didn't blog XD
Anyways, the hols have been awesome
Came back to kk refreshed and ready
Its been quite interesting actually
Santa gave me a saman early Christmas morning
Its the best present ever, really...
And as for new year
The whole bunch of us went to kfc(yes kfc,its tawau)
I had my usual snack plate
kk's kfc much better
Chewing chewing....pop!
oh crap..........
checked the mirror, the rubber band on the only tooth still crooked came off!!
and i still had another 2 weeks before coming back to kk
I think it could have been straightened by then
oh well,delayed by 3 weeks
oh,nearly forgot
went to island with a group of friends
met new friends
got a nice tan
went for this thing called "discover scuba diving"
and now,i definitely must get a diving license!!!!!!
that's why i'm trying to save up my money
life's been good,thank God
and i can't wait to see what this new year has to offer me
cheers O_0