Saturday, February 28, 2009

My 1st SS Session

I went over to kk for my first ever ss session with these bunch of monkeys who have nothing else but time to waste
So we went to Starbucks to hang out. I kasihan the other customers. They had to put up with our idiocy the whole time

The session was a success, the monkeys behaved the best they could,although it wasn't a lot of difference

I'd say the session was a success. Many ss pics were taken. Had tons of fun. Can't wait for the next one =.=

Special Thanks to

The End

Sunday, February 8, 2009

Typical Day at Children Cell

So today I figured I'd show you how life goes on at St. Patrick's Children Cell.
For those of you who don't know what children cell is,its sorta like sunday school, but we just call it children cell. I was a helper and musician here until I retired last year. Just couldn't cope with the stress,haha...

So what we do at children cell is keep the little buggers busy for a couple of hours on Sunday so that the parents get to rest for a while. We keep them occupied with Bible verses and children songs until they get themselves exhausted.

Let me introduce you to some of the monkeys

This is Ben10. He can transform into 10 different aliens.
Adorable, but deadly.

And this is Egg-Tart. Dreams to be King of Hip-Hop.
Nothing gets in his way, nothing...

This guy's 'The Joker". Doesn't he look familiar??

These are the top dogs that run the facility. They are afraid of no one but me.

This happens most of the time. Kids get restless and start a riot. Ben10 at the right hand corner, halfway transforming. Ze Hao barely made it out alive...

This is a custom made stun bomb. Just one of this, you can knock out a hippo in an instant.
Dangerous stuff...

So if you're in Tawau, and you have heaps of free time on Sundays, come on down to enjoy some fun and relaxation at St. Patrick's Children Cell, where children become disciples!